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More than a [TITLE]

Jamin and I have been incredibly blessed by this opportunity. We have impacted over 250 lives just by saying yes to better health. I never in my wildest dreams knew this could be our reality. The Lord has been with us every step of the way. We have fallen and gotten right back up! We have celebrated the good times and the hard times, but what we have learned not only about this industry, but ourselves is priceless. We have grown not only as individuals, but in our marriage. We have learned to build a success business together. We have put down the expectations and enjoyed working together as we work toward building a team over over 1,000 people by the end of 2018! Our prayer is that lives would continue to be changed with this nutrition and this company. Success is measured differently by different people, but man oh man have we continued to experience success not only in our physical transformation, but the trajectory of our families life.

I joined this with every bit of intention to send it back and get my money back! I ordered a box of shakes and what came in that box was so much more valuable than my low cost investment. I quickly earned my original investment back by flying through the ranks in this company. Many times, not even intentionally. I new 2 things!

1. I was in love with this products.
2. Everyone deserved to feel this way.

I was on a MISSION to share this freedom with whoever crossed my path! They deserved it! I finally found something that worked, and they deserved to know about it! After years of trying everything and investing thousands, I threw my hands up! NOTHING really worked except for a boring, strict, and low energy meal plan along with 2 hour gym dates. I dint have the time to commit to that life style anymore. I knew these things.

1. Easy
2. Convenient
3. Affordable

That is exactly what came in that cardboard box! A SIMPLE plan that WORKED!! I quickly dropped the weight, felt better than I ever have, and was more confidant that I had ever been! I found the SECRET, but the "problem" was I couldn't keep my mouth shut!  I truly believe if people are looking for an answer in areas pertaining to their health! I HAVE IT!! I finally have something that works for everyone.

It was this extreme passion that lead me through the ranks of this company. I had done network marketing before and wanted nothing to do with it. I wanted to SHARE not SELL! I wanted to share products that I was truly passionate about. I loved what these products and even more I backed the company 100%. This incredible vehicle of Network Marketing has been such a blessing to our family by eliminating line items from our budget that many months caused arguments, strain, and more. We have continued to see the financial blessing month after month by receiving residual income! If you do not know what they is, you do now! It is doing the work one time and getting paid for it month after month! I was shocked when by my third month in this company, I made more than I did with another company in over 15 MONTHS!!! No joke! This company truly is incredible! It continues to change our life month after month! It has continued to allow us to meet new people, build incredible friendships, and change hundreds of lives! We could not be more thankful for this incredible vehicle. It truly is a gift and each successful milestone is more than a title. It is more lives changed!


As I look back on this Trip, I am quickly reminded that this is where my perspective changed. Not only about the nutrition in general, but the opportunity that our company has given us. We have truly been blessed by the gift of these products, and it is our obligation to share these with others. I truly believe that everyone should experience the external and internal freedom that these products have to offer. However, I have learned that initiating conversation terrifies me. I needed growth in this area. I was convicted to share this with everyone I came into contact with, but I have to admit I was scared.

This business meeting with David Wood freed me of this fear. It was truly the fear of rejection. How many times have you feared rejection in your life? I have in so many areas. Asking to play with friend on the playground as a child, trying out for cheerleading, getting into college, apply for jobs, dating. In all of these areas, I feared rejection. This is normal. This is ok. However, you do not have to. You have to get comfortable being uncomfortable.

This trip was so freeing, and I was so thankful to spend it with my team. More than anything, I was so blessed to bring Jay with me! Jay walked in telling people that he was my husband and was here to support me. By the time he walked out, he not only believed, but partnered with me in the vision of where this company was head and also where our family was headed. This opportunity taught us the freedom to dream. It gave us the ability to put our yes on the table and work out the details later. It taught us how to be intentional about meeting people. There were so many life applications that simply spurred me towards greatness not only for myself, but learning how to coach my team through these things as well.

I have truly had the opportunity to meet some of the most incredible people throughout this journey. The transformation has been freeing, but having incredible people to walk through not only your nutrition journey, but also your life journey is so rewarding. I have never been involved with a community like this. No one steps over you, everyone is there to life you up and spear you on towards your success, and the success of others. I am beyond thankful to have experienced this trip with some pretty incredible people. We have been blessed to continue to travel with this company from Texas to GA, from Washington DC to Vegas in August. We could not be more excited to continue to learn how we can better serve people.

Torch Takes [Savannah]

This past weekend I headed south to the beautiful town of Savannah, Ga. I left Friday morning, and I could not wait to get down there to surround myself with some of the most inspiring people I have ever met in my life. When everyone got there, we took a tour of a beautiful peach colored house on a cobblestone road. It was in the historic district, so I am sure you can only imagine how adorable this area was. We all picked out our room in our 3 story house that we would call home for the weekend. Little did we know, in this place we would experience massive growth, laughter and love. Friday night some of the girls went to a roof top restraint for the first time called Churchill's. It was a beautiful, but semi chilly night. We enjoyed amazing food and wine on the rooftop overlooking downtown. I highly recommend the shrimp and grits if you ever have a chance to go.
The next day we woke up for a day full of training. We packed our nutritious meals for the day and loaded up to head to the hotel that would host a day full of mind blowing training. We got to hear from some of the most incredible people! It was truly life changing. Which, all of the events are! After a day full of training, we found ourselves at Noble Fare. This was an interesting experience. If you go, sit upstairs. It Is beautiful! The next day was the day we all dreaded. I hate leaving my awesome IsaFam after rock star weekend together. I did get lucky enough to get a couple of headshots before heading out.

Meet My Tribe

I have found something that I absolutely love doing every single day. I do not sale anything. I simply share with others how these products have DRAMATICALLY impacted my life, marriage, and health. I boldly and openly share my experience with others. That is it, and I could not be happier doing it. The Lord has given me this business as an opportunity to bless others both physically through their own transformation and financially through the rewarding bonuses the company gives you for referring it to others. We live in a world of referrals. If you need a handy man, you ask for recommendations on Facebook. If you are new to the area, you ask for recommendations for hair stylist, the best dentist, the best doctor, the best community to live, and you trust others to share their experiences with you. That pretty sums up what we do! I have met the most incredible, inspiring, and encouraging people. These people have kept me on tract and  believed in me when I did not believe in myself. I am blown away daily by the desire for EVERYONE to succeed. There is less completion in this company that their is in the corporate ladder. It is not about climbing to the top and pushing others down on your way, but climbing to the top and pulling everyone up with you. If you are looking for an inspiring health community to push you to your goals or looking for financial freedom, you have found it here. I am so glad I have found this company and these people.

Millionaires in our company who sacrifice their time and energy to help others build a life that they can only dream of.
 Me and My Girls at the San Antonio airport before we went our separate ways across the country after an epic Corporate Event in January.

 These people ignite a fire within me to be the best I can be, to be a leader, and to never give up on my dreams. Using the vehicle of nutrition to transform others live both physically and financially.

[Nutrition] I found the missing piece.

I have battled weight, self esteem, and comparison my whole life. It has been an ongoing battle for as long as I can remember. I could write a novel on the low carb, low sugar diets that I have tried along with the fitness tapes, programs, and personal training experience. I WONT! So, you can stick around for this. After getting married, I found myself in a downward spiral! I was gaining weight like crazy, and I was just not myself anymore. I had no drive or motivation. I didn't care if my house was clean or about taking care of my self. I was battling anxiety and depression from life changes and experiences from our move to marriage and other family struggles. I gave up on the diet, and I would not be returning to that lifestyle and I meant it. The scale was my enemy, and I got to a scary point in my life where I didn't care about my health because I would always just be a "big girl". A friend of mine, Sara Adams started sharing the nutrition program that her whole entire families lives were transformed by. Good for them! I wanted no part of it! I had tried everything, and this was not changing anything for me, so I was not going to waste my money on it.

7 Months went by and Sara was continuing to share with me. Whether it be events they had going on, her transformation, or other things related. Again, good for her. I remember one day seeing her latest transformation along with a slideshow of all of her families transformation and I was highly impressed. She explained that there was a 30 day money back guarantee! GREAT! I would send in back in 2 weeks when the scale, measuring tape, and energy was not fluctuating at all. So, I placed my order. I started putting these shakes in my body, and WOW! I felt like I has swallowed a rainbow. Where was the end of day crash, the headaches from sugar cravings. All I had gotten was a less bloated belly and energy like CRAZY! What is in this stuff?

Within 3 days, I noticed a difference in how I felt. I was LOVING the products! On day 9, I took a picture of my face and could not believe the transformation! I continued to follow the schedules as directed. Within 2 weeks, I saw a significant difference in my body! I was loosing belly fat and toning up all at the same time. That has never happened to be. My stomach was starting to show its REAL self. Defying lines started to appear. By 30 days, my belly was flat! WHAT! This was crazy. I was feeling like a rock star and I NEVER wanted to go back to the life I was living outside of fueling my body with amazing nutrition. By month two, I didn't even look like the same girl. I was stuck in a hot bod with tank full of energy to do all of the things I put on hold for so long.

 When my husband saw the change in me both physically, mentally and emotionally, he was intrigued and wanted to do this with me. As a supervisor for the post office, he works long crazy hours and would come home exhausted all of the time. He has loved not only the shakes, but also the vitamins we received for free from sharing our story with others. He just recently started doing the daily cleanse and is loving hoe he feels. We will never do anything different. We put the products in our body every single day and LOVE them!